Using a modular building-block approach, Getwizer lets you test every conceivable use case, from concept testing, to brand tracking, to deep-dive profiling and beyond – while customizing your methods and framework to achieve maximum impact.

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Getwizer is a consumer insights platform integrating the very best of tech and human expertise to deliver a custom, quick and surprisingly affordable research experience.
explore platformSocial distancing and stay-at-home mandates forced an almost complete shut down of CLTs. Learn why top performing brands turn to IHUT to the rescue.
Hello! We’re a group of handpicked research specialists in charge of running your research for maximum impact, at scale.
super speed enabled by our building blocks approach
collaborate with your dedicated Wizer to custom design framework
3 layers of data cleansing powered by cutting-edge AI & automation
Truly global => your Wizer helps you adapt to any territory an culture
advanced analytics features
Get that extra layer of insights only humans can produce
Automated reports easily exported to PPT and shared in or outside your organization
Centralize knowledge and maximize impact
YES, with Getwizer you get top-notch research, better insights, and a tighter pitch – and all of it faster. But the best part is that you redefine your organization’s fundamental relationship to information, with a knowledge base of your very own that’s sharable, repackageable, and collaborative.
You too can test anything, anytime, over and over again